
SEAMEO BIOTROP is recognized by various government agencies and private institutions in Indonesia to be a source of technical assistance through consultancy services. The aim of consultancy services is as stated in the Centre’s Mission, i.e. to provide scientific knowledge and build capacities of institutions and communities in conserving and managing tropical biology sustainably for the well-being of communities and the environment of Southeast Asia. The consultancy services were provided for individuals, groups/communities, institutions, enterprises (both private sector and state-owned) in relation to the Centre’s expertise such as ex-mining land reclamation, essential oils, tissue culture technique, management and control of stored products insect-pests, phytopathology, aquculture, invasive alien plant species, herbarium collection, urban agriculture, hydroponic, aquaponic,  edible mushroom culture, natural products, remote sensing, geographic information system, reproduction biotechnology, and many other issues related to tropical biology.  SEAMEO BIOTROP is supported by experts from various fields, which list can be browsed in

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