BIO Courier Vol. 24 No.1 (Jan - Mar 2022)
KPCU, 2022Description
At the beginning
of 2022, the Centres focuses its activities on formulating and planning the program
and activities towards its 11th FYDP, several Focus group discussions
are conducted to gain insights on the needs, collaboration opportunities, and
resources needed to promote its save biodiversity programs.
To support the
Belajar Kampus Merdeka Program by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and
Technology (MoECRT) of Indonesia, SEAMEO BIOTROP has facilitated MBKM prorgrams for the students of Agrotechnology
Department, Faculty of Agriculture of the Universitas Pembangunan Nasional
Veteran East Java. SEAMEO BIOTROP has
also hosted internship programs for 6 students of SMKN 1 Tolikara, Papua.