BIOTROP Courier Vol. 21 No.2 (Apr - Jun 2019)
KMD Department, 2019Description
For this second quarter, we presented a novel innovation in combining digital technology with the conventional hydroponics practice to bring an easiness in managing the hydroponic system. Since 2017 we have been developing the digital prototype of sensors which has function to monitor several physical parameters used in hydroponics system. In addition, we raised an interesting topic about stingless bee which has been known to have many benefits for human such producing propolis as natural antibiotic. The details of this insect from taxa classification, apiculture, to end products are presented to you, so you may have a comprehensive information about the bee.
During April-June, we had conducted some training courses and activities as our direct actions for communities, namely: training course on the management of weeds and invasive plant species, training course on spatial and regional potential analysis, training course on fumigation, workshop on food processing, and Ciliwung care day. A total of twelve schools also visited us to learn about our facilities and technologies.
We were proud to have the Centre’s Director awarding a certificate of merit from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia as an appreciation for his effort and contribution in conserving the ex-mining areas. We were also pleased to have Prof Dr Bambang Purwantara, our Affiliate Scientist and former Centre’s Director, being assigned as one of the Board of Trustees of IPB University for 2019-2024 period. We do hope that their significant contribution results in a lot of positive impacts to society.
We were grateful that our Centre was invited to attend the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Global Launch of the United Nation (UN) Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028. Our Acting Deputy Director for Program, Dr Aslan had the opportunity to present the Centre’s roles in fostering youth and community in Indonesia through school garden and SMARTS-BE programs.
There were also resumes of two books published recently by the Centre, titled ‘Ecology of Bedugul Basin Bali’ and ‘A Practical Guide to Mushroom Pharming’, in which we hope you will discover full of knowledge to use.
All activities written in this issue illustrate the improvement of our Centre during the 2nd quarter of this year, and we hope that more innovation and creativities will come up for better services.