BIOTROP Courier Vol. 22 No.1 (Jan - Mar 2020)
Knowledge Management Department, 2020Description
The year of 2019 has passed, and now we are at the beginning of 2020. This year, the Centre will continue to implement the highlighted programmes as stated in SEAMEO BIOTROP's Five Year Development Programmes for 2017 - 2022.
In the first quarter of 2020, the Centre was honored to welcome Prof Bambang P. S. Brodjonegoro, PhD, the Minister of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia on 23 January 2020 in our Campus. The Center also celebrated its 52nd Anniversary on 26 - 27 February 2020 with the theme 'Learning and Sharing Innovations for Communities'. During the event, the Centre inked six Memoranda of Understanding with five institutions and one company. The celebration was enlivened with talk shows and exhibition on modern farming participated by over 700 participants. We awarded a Lifetime Achievement Awards to four of our scientists and Dharma Bhakti Badge Awards to 72 staff for their long-term and high dedication to the Centre.
As a form of our service to the community, our Centre facilitated two training courses, i.e., on plant tissue culture and on geographic information system, held in February 2020, for 50 lecturers and teachers of various Agricultural Development Polytechnics and Agricultural Development Vocational High Schools throughout Indonesia under the Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Indonesia.
We wish the best to all of you for the whole year of 2020.