BIOTROP Courier Vol. 23 No.4 (Oct - Dec 2021)
Knowledge Management Department, 2021Description
Dear Valued Readers,
At the end of the year 2021, I am proud to say that SEAMEO BIOTROP has performed very well in achieving its goals, despite the still ongoing pandemic.
The Center’s 59th Governing Board Meeting was carried out virtually. The highlighted issues were the 11th Five-Year Development Plan (11th FYDP), the proposed change of organizational structure as well as research and training plans for the year 2022.
In strengthening collaboration with multi-stakeholders, SEAMEO BIOTROP, as one of the SEAMEO Centers in Indonesia, signed a Memorandum of Understanding and a Memorandum of Agreement with the District Government of Ogan Ilir and the District Government of Ogan Komering Ulu which aimed at increasing teacher’s capacity from early childhood to high school levels, by collaborating with the SEAMEO Centers in Indonesia. Another collaborative event was also held with the Mindanao State University in the aspects of training courses, publications as well as research and development.
Several webinars and exhibition were also performed both in the Center and at other institutions. SEAMEO BIOTROP joined the Seaweed Fest 2021 aimed to increase collaboration between the Center and the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in procuring seaweed seedlings by using tissue culture technique.
I do hope that this year’s achievements become the foundation of more fruitful accomplishments in the upcoming year.
Happy New Year! Stay optimists, stay healthy, stay positive !