BIOTROPIA Vol 23, No 1 (2016)
KMD Department, 2016Description
Table of Contents
Research Papers
Ichtyofauna At Cijalu River Majenang, Central Java Province, Indonesia | |
Agus Nuryanto, Dian Bhagawati, M Nadjmi Abulias, Indarmawan Indarmawan | 1-8 |
Intraspecific Variation on Early Growth of Neolamarckia cadamba MIQ. in Provenance-Progeny Tests in West Java Province, Indonesia | |
Dede J Sudrajat, Nurhasybi Nurhasybi, Iskandar Z Siregar, Ulfah J Siregar, Irdika Mansur, Nurul Khumaida | 10-20 |
Abiotic Factors That Influencing Mantangan (Merremia peltata) Invasion in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park | |
Jani Master, Soekisman Tjitrosoedirdjo, Ibnul Qayim | 21-27 |
Cellulase Production by Bacillus subtilis M1 Using Pretreated Groundnut Shell Based Liquid State Fermentation | |
Ashish Kr Vyas, Chayanika Putatunda, Joginder Singh, Deepak Vyas | 28-34 |
Antibreastcancer Activity of Nanopropolis Indonesia on Induced Mammary Gland Tumor by DMBA in Virgin Sprague-Dawley Rats | |
Akhmad Endang Zainal Hasan, Djumali Mangunwidjaja, Titi Candra Sunarti, Ono Suparno, Agus Setiyono | 35-41 |
Diversity of Actinomycetes from Eka Karya Botanical Garden, Bali | |
Shanti Ratnakomala, Puspita Lisdiyanti, Nita Rosalinda Prayitno, Evi Triana, Yulin Lestari, Ratih Dwi Hastuti, Yantyati Widyastuti, Misa Otoguro, Katsuhiko Ando, Endang Sukara | 42-51 |
Potential Yield of Acid-adaptive Soybean Promising Lines in Ultisols of Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia | |
Heru Kuswantoro | 52-57 |
Potential of Mangrove Seedlings for Utilization in the Maintenance of Environmental Quality within Silvofishery Pond | |
Endah Dwi Hastuti, Rini Budihastuti | 58-63 |