Proceedings of SEAMEO BIOTROP 3rd ICTB: "Conservation, Enhancementand Sustainable Use of Indigenous Tropical Flora and Fauna"
Editors: Jesus C. Fernandez, Cahyo Wibowo, 2018Description
We are pleased to publish the proceedings of our Third International Conference on Tropical Biology held on 20-21 September, 2018 in Bogor, West Java Province, Indonesia. The conference theme, “Conservation, Enhancement, and Sustainable Use of Indigenous Tropical Flora and Fauna”, was in response to the urgent need in ensuring a sustainable use of indigenous tropical flora and fauna, as well as the conservation of species facing extinction due to rapid habitat loss caused by rampant deforestation for agricultural purposes and massive infrastructure development, unregulated collection and trafficking of indigenous plants and animals. We believe that there are several past experiences of sustainable use and conservation schemes by governments and non-governmental organizations that have been successful. Lessons learned fr om these experiences are critical to generate and formulate practical and sustainable conservation strategies for indigenous tropical flora and fauna, determine and prioritize research needs based on current policies and research results, and strengthen participation and contribution of stakeholders in eliminating current problems and at the same time, enhancing the conservation and sustainable use of the region's biodiversity and natural resources.
We were fortunate to convene 227 scientists and practitioners from eight countries during the conference to share useful lessons, address challenges, and generate commitments to strengthen policy decisions and work collaboratively towards conservation and sustainable use of indigenous tropical flora and fauna, especially in the Southeast Asia region.
This volume of our conference proceedings contains the full papers and abstracts of the keynote addresses, panel discussion, and parallel session oral and poster presentations. The keynote addresses attempt to illustrate the gains and challenges, the diversity and resiliency as well as the approaches, technologies and innovations in conservation, enhancement and sustainable use of indigenous tropical flora and fauna. The panel discussions focus on the policies and other legal frameworks as well as the future directions in conservation, enhancement and sustainable use of indigenous tropical flora and fauna. The parallel session papers provide actual experiences on the four conference subthemes, namely: (1) Diversity and Resiliency of Indigenous Tropical Flora and Fauna and Their Ecosystem; (2) Approaches, Technologies and Innovations in Conservation, Enhancement and Sustainable Use of Indigenous Tropical Flora and Fauna; (3) Socio-economic, Cultural and Ethical Aspects in Conservation, Enhancement and Sustainable Use of Indigenous Tropical Flora and Fauna; and (4) Policies and Other Legal Frameworks in Conservation and Sustainable Use of Indigenous Tropical Flora and Fauna. As much as we would have wanted full papers included in this publication, we respect the presenters' decision to just submit the abstracts of their presentations. We thank all of them for their contributions in making this publication possible. We hope that the papers and abstracts, much more the synthesis and recommendations as well as future agenda generated from the conference, could spark new and continuing efforts to pursue conservation, enhancement, and sustainable use of indigenous tropical flora and fauna in the region.
Our deepest appreciation goes to Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, National Committee for Indonesian Germ Plasms, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (Indonesian Institute of Science/LIPI), Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University), Universiti Putra Malaysia, National University of Singapore, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Indonesia, Central Luzon State University Philippines, Burung Indonesia, Pampanga State Agricultural University Philippines, Cagayan State University