SEAMEO BIOTROP Annual Report FY 2021 - 2022
KPCU Unit, 2022Description
Being established in 1968, SEAMEO BIOTROP that is located in Bogor, Indonesia, is among the oldest SEAMEO Centers in Southeast Asian region. With tropical biology as its main focus, SEAMEO BIOTROP has three mandates: research, capacity building, and knowledge and information dissemination in conserving and managing tropical biology sustainably for the well-being of communities and the environment of Southeast Asia.
The 2021/2022 fiscal year marks the end of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s 10th five-year development plan. The 10th FYDP of SEAMEO BIOTROP envisioned the Center to become “a leading Center in enriching and promoting the real value of tropical biology in Southeast Asia”, and has established clear impact pathways of its research, capacity building, and information dissemination activities in conserving and sustainably managing tropical biodiversity for the well-being of Southeast Asian communities and their environment.
In recognizing the national and regional demands, the Center undertakes profound changes in its approach and to reorient itself to a different level of organizational effectiveness and efficiency in strengthening its role in saving biodiversity. Thus, the Center develops concept notes on “Strengthening SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Role in Saving Biodiversity” and redefines its program thrusts, as follows: 1) Restoration and conservation of unique and degraded ecosystems; 2) Sustainable of management and wise utilization of biodiversity, bioenergy, biotechnology, and food security; and 3) Strengthening ecosystem resilience to global climate change.
In the Framework of the 11th SEAMEO BIOTROP Five-Year Development Plan (2022-2027), the Center reformulates its vision to become a reputable Center for sustainable biodiversity management in Southeast Asia. Based on its three program thrusts, the Center also formulates its SEABID strategies to achieve its goals, as well as defining its 7 + 1 flagship programs and its activities to ensure SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound) goals and milestones.
I would like to thank the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, SEAMEO Member Countries, SEAMEO Council, SEAMEO Secretariat, SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Members, the Board of Directors of the SEAMEO Centers, Managers, Researchers and all staffs at SEAMEO BIOTROP for working together in realizing the vision, missions and mandates of SEAMEO BIOTROP.
Thank you very much! Stay safe and healthy!
The 2021/2022 fiscal year marks the end of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s 10th five-year development plan. The 10th FYDP of SEAMEO BIOTROP envisioned the Center to become “a leading Center in enriching and promoting the real value of tropical biology in Southeast Asia”, and has established clear impact pathways of its research, capacity building, and information dissemination activities in conserving and sustainably managing tropical biodiversity for the well-being of Southeast Asian communities and their environment.
In recognizing the national and regional demands, the Center undertakes profound changes in its approach and to reorient itself to a different level of organizational effectiveness and efficiency in strengthening its role in saving biodiversity. Thus, the Center develops concept notes on “Strengthening SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Role in Saving Biodiversity” and redefines its program thrusts, as follows: 1) Restoration and conservation of unique and degraded ecosystems; 2) Sustainable of management and wise utilization of biodiversity, bioenergy, biotechnology, and food security; and 3) Strengthening ecosystem resilience to global climate change.
In the Framework of the 11th SEAMEO BIOTROP Five-Year Development Plan (2022-2027), the Center reformulates its vision to become a reputable Center for sustainable biodiversity management in Southeast Asia. Based on its three program thrusts, the Center also formulates its SEABID strategies to achieve its goals, as well as defining its 7 + 1 flagship programs and its activities to ensure SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound) goals and milestones.
I would like to thank the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, SEAMEO Member Countries, SEAMEO Council, SEAMEO Secretariat, SEAMEO BIOTROP Governing Board Members, the Board of Directors of the SEAMEO Centers, Managers, Researchers and all staffs at SEAMEO BIOTROP for working together in realizing the vision, missions and mandates of SEAMEO BIOTROP.
Thank you very much! Stay safe and healthy!