Source: SEAMEO BIOTROP's Research Grant | 2017
The complexity of the Lake Toba water catchment management problems require
a holistic and integrative approach. Therefore, increasing land productivity
that develop alternative sources of community livelihood needs to be
identified. The objective of study were encouraged the integrated scheme of Trigona-bee-producing
propolis on agroforestry- styrax-coffee in the framework of developing
alternative sources of community livelihood and environmental sustainability in
Lake Toba. The scope of activities were aimed to obtain (1) information on Trigona feed sources on agroforestry
systems; (2) scheme of agroforestry-styrax-coffee and Trigona cultivation that
optimize the land productivity and provide the highest economic income; and (3)
information about productivity and phythochemical of Trigona propolis. The
research activities were conducted on incense forests in Pakpak Bharat, Humbang
Hasundutan and the Aek Nauli Forest and Environment Development Research
Institute. The results show that the agroforestry practices have actually existed
for a long time in Lake Toba. Farmers in this area have planted their land with
a variety of plants. The diversity of species in the agrofrestry system
illustrates farmers' choices in extracting their sources of income by
considering the term harvesting, risk and saving in tree stand form. Trigona
bee cultivation in agroforestry system proves the high potential of propolis
and honey produced. Propolis produced a typical incense aroma and contains
phytochemical compounds polyphenols (flavonoids, phenolic acids), terpenoids
and steroids. The abundant feed resources, uncomplicated cultivation
techniques, high selling prices and demand for propolis products are some of
the strengths and opportunities for Trigona bee cultivation development in Lake
Toba. The development of honey bee cultivation and propolis producers in
agroforestry systems provides opportunities for alternative sources of
livelihoods and increases the crop productivity.