Ari Setyowati, Ambar Retnoningrum, Kristina Andriyani

Source: SEAMEO BIOTROP's Research Grant | 2019


Aquaponics is a hydroponic farming system that is combined with aquaculture or fish farming as a source of fertilizer for plants. Aquaponics in this study was carried out to grow black rice as an alternative technique for growing rice, as a means of literacy for students about urban farming, especially the hydroponic system, and as a means of improving people's nutrition from the products produced. This research was conducted at State Vocational High School 1 Malang, as part of learning on the competency of Agro-business of Food Crops and Horticulture, especially the subject of Agribusiness Food Crops and the subjects of Creative Products and Entrepreneurship.

                Rice hydroponic cultivation is carried out in stages, namely preparation of planting media and planting containers, replenishment of planting media, ripening of seeds, seeding, seeding, weeding, weeding, checking water flow, installing nets, harvesting. The planting media used were solid organic media, namely manure and husk charcoal. The type of rice planted is black rice.

                The types of fish raised in this aquaponic system are catfish. Catfish cultivation is carried out in stages, namely pond preparation, stocking of catfish seeds, feeding, sorting, harvesting.

                For rice cultivation carried out in the aquaponics system, rice has produced rice grains, but the type of rice harvested does not contain rice. This is due to the location around the aquaponics system there are shady trees that interfere with plant growth. For the cultivation of catfish, the growth is rather long because the catfish seeds are spread too small and the feeding of catfish cannot be optimal.

                This study also produced a learning module for rice aquaponics and fish to be used as teaching material in the Agribinis subject of Food Crops

                Aquaponic rice cultivation and catfish can be used as a means of student practice for the development of urban agriculture and literacy facilities.

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