Formulation of Ecosystem Health Index in Indonesia (3rd Year)
A. S. Yuwono, Y. Wardiatno, R. Widyastuti, D. Wulandari

Source: SEAMEO BIOTROP's Research Grant | 2020


Ecosystem Health Index (EHI) is an appropriate tool to assess environmental protection and management measures based on the national Environmental Quality Index (EQI). In this paper, a novel formulation of EHI in Indonesia is proposed to improve the existing index involving merely three parameters (air quality, water quality and forest cover). These three parameters, however, are considered inadequate to represent the quality of an ecosystem. In the new formulation of the EHI, three additional parameters are added. Therefore, the complete parameters of the Ecosystem Health Index now consist of six individual indexes, i.e. Air Quality Index, Water Quality Index, Forest Cover Index, Biodiversity Index, Environmental Health Index, and Public Health Index. The research was carried out by direct measurement in the field partly, while secondary data was taken from the data bank compiled by local environmental authorities in Java Island and New Capital State. Based on data calculation, ecosystem health index of Batu was 77,64; Blitar was 67,22; Mojokerto was 66,35; Tangerang was 54,39, and Tegal was 57,46. The data analysis reveals that rural ecosystem health index in Gunung Kidul was 66,75; Sleman was 68,64, Sukoharjo Regency was 61.63, 61.69 in Probolinggo, 81.11 in Lumajang, 66.64 in Lamongan, 64.97 in Brebes, 53.42 in Sidoarjo, 65.38 in Bantul, and 68.80 in Kulon Progo. For Balikpapan and Paser Regency, the results were 65,70 d 69,63 respectively. The study result indicated that the assessment of ecosystem health by using the novel formulation shows a significant improvement as compared to those EQIs obtained by the conventional method.

Keywords: ecosystem, ecosystem health index, Indonesia, rural area, urban area  

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