Supriyanto, N.Hastuti, A.Santoso, D.R.Trisatya, R.Dungani, Kuswara

Source: SEAMEO BIOTROP's Research Grant | 2021


The 2015 Paris Agreement/COP21 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) mandates the global community to commit to keeping the global average temperature rise below 2°C and working towards limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C in the world. This would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change. For this reason, each country is fostered to implement low greenhouse gas emission development or – in other words – countries must reduce emissions in their development. Indonesia made a commitment to reduce emissions by 29 percent independently and 41 percent with international support. Indonesia's latest NDC document was submitted by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry on 21 July 2021. The document states that most of the emission reductions are expected to come from the forestry and land use sector by 2030, amounting to 24.5 percent. This produces about 692 metric tons (692,000 tons) of carbon dioxide equivalent. Indonesia's NDC will contribute to achieving the Convention's objectives by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing climate resilience, which will lead to long-term economic development. Indonesia's NDC commitment needs to be supported by various sectors, both upstream and downstream, including the utilisation of timber forest products. However, until now there is no data and information on how big the contribution of the subsector of forest product utilisation to reducing GHG emissions, even though it is known that carbon is stored in wood.


The amount of carbon stored in wood used as a building material in Indonesia was assessed in this study. Purposive sampling was used for the study's selected locations, which were cities with rapid housing development around Jakarta's capital city. They are the Bekasi District, East Jakarta City, Depok City, and Bogor District..


The findings revealed that the wood species used as building materials for houses varied. The value of stored carbon in houses varies according to wood species. If a house is currently built with wood components only on door frames and doors, as well as window frames, shutters, and vents (roster), then calculations based on the standard EN 16449: 2014-06 yield a stored carbon of 450 680 kg, or an average of 554.50 kg in each housing unit. Meanwhile, according to EDX/S carbon analysis, between 130 and 430 kg, or an average of 400.42. If the backlog is 7.6 million housing units, and the demand rate is 800 thousand housing units, and the proportion of wood used is as in the three cities/districts sampled, then there is 4.2 million tons of carbon stored. This figure indicates that if the Indonesian backlog is built without the use of wood materials, there is a potential for carbon emissions of that magnitude (4.2 million tons). If the demand of house of 800,000 units per year were built and the door and window frame components were made of wood, then the housing construction sector stores 0.44 million tons of carbon per year.


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