Pengembangan Marka Molekuler Untuk Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) Yang Tahan Hama Boktor dan Penyakit Karat Puru
U. J. Siregar, A. S. Wulandari

Source: SEAMEO BIOTROP's Research Grant | 2010


Establishment of monoculture Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) plantation in wide area has posed a high risk of attack from pests and diseases. The main pest, which was reported destroying Sengon plantation is stem borer (Xystrocera festiva). Although most Sengon trees are susceptible to the pest and disease, some resistance trees were reportedly present and survived among seriously damaged plant populations. In order to investigate whether such resistant individuals have different genetic background from susceptible trees, a reliable genetic marker is needed. This research aimed at developing genetic marker for resistant trees against the pest, using microsatellite primers from other legume. Leaf samples, which consisted of 10 resistant and 10 susceptible trees of two Sengon provenances, i.e. Kediri and Solomon, were collected and compared. Total DNA from each sample was isolated using using GenElute Plant Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit from SIGMA, and subjected to PCR amplification using 11 microsatellite primers from P. vulgaris. Successful amplification was obtained from all primers employed. Number of microsatellite locus detected from each primer ranges from 1 – 4 loci. Analysis of those loci had differentiated resistant accessions from susceptible individuals, indicating resistance in Sengon against stem borer has genetic basis, and microsatellite was suitable marker for fingerprinting.

Keywords: Paraserianthes falcataria, tree resistance, Xystrocera festiva, microsatellite, fingerprinting

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