BIOTROPIA Vol. 17 No. 1 (June 2010)
KMD Department, 2010Description
Induction of Callus Formation from Different Parts of Citrus grandis(Osbeck) Flowers
Author: Zarina Zakaria, Suhana Zakaria, Abd hamid khalid and Mohd azlan
Mohd Ishak
Antiproliferative Protein from Trichosanthes cucumerina L. var anguina (L.) Haines
Author: Churiyah and Wahono Sumaryono
Quality Improvement of Disqualified Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon Fab.) Broodstock Using Dopamine
Author: Etty Riani, Mozes R. Toelihere, Ichsan Effendie, Tuty L. Yusuf and Srihadiagungpriyono
Genetic Variability of Polymesoda erosa Population in the Segara Anakan Cilacap
Author: Agus Nuryanto and Agus Hery Susanto
The Effect of Initial Moisture Content, Packaging and Storage Period on Succinate
Author: Dehydrogenase and Cytochrome Oxidase Activity of Soybean Seed
Aurellia Tatipata
Estimation of Seagrass Coverage by Depth Invariant Indices on Quickbird Imagery
Author: Muhammad Ansharamran