Buku Panduan Praktik Teknologi Kultur Jaringan di Laboratorium Bioteknologi
Dewi Rahmawati, Edhi Sandra, 2021Description
Plant cultivation supports the sustainability of plant resources production. The tissue culture technology is among alternatives to efficiently cultivate plants, especially to fulfill the demands of seedlings and to anticipate any environmental disturbances due to climate change. This guidebook on practicing tissue culture technology in the Biotechnology Laboratory contains comprehensive step-by-step procedures of plant micropropagation based on research, experiences, and literature studies.
Chapters contained in this guidebook are Introduction to Tissue Culture Technology; Introduction to Equipment used in Conducting Tissue Culture Technology and the Functions of Each Equipment; Procedure of Sanitizing Laboratory; Procedure of Making Hand Sanitizer; Procedure of Using and Maintaining Laminar Air Flow; Procedure of Sterilizing Glasswares, Dissection Tools, Distilled Water and Culture Media; Explant Preparation in the Field; Explant Sterilization; Preparation of Stock Solution and Culture Media; Induction of Explant Multiplication; Explant Elongation; Explant Root Induction; Explant Maintenance in the Incubation Room of Biotechnology Laboratory; Handling of Explant Contamination; Acclimatization; Utilization of Tissue Culture Technology (dual culture interaction, in vitro micrografting, and in vitro plantlet genetic variation). This guidebook has direct and clear presentations.