Compilation of Published Research Abstract of SEAMEO BIOTROP for the Period of 2017 - 2021
Compiler: Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran, Ir. Sri Widayanti, M.Si., Risa Rosita, S.Si., M.Si., Trijanti A. Widinni A., M.Si, Aan Darwati, S.Ak., 2022Description
SEAMEO BIOTROP, the Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology, is a SEAMEO regional center under the coordination of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. SEAMEO BIOTROP has a role in developing quality basic and applied scientific researches that are beneficial to multistakeholders and communities in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
In the context of sustainable development in Southeast Asia, SEAMEO BIOTROP focuses on its mandates to conduct and develop research and education in the tropical biology field and to disseminate knowledge and information on tropical biology issues. SEAMEO BIOTROP is a leading centre in enriching and promoting the real values of tropical biology in Southeast Asia and therefore, SEAMEO BIOTROP is a center of excellence focusing on professionalism and innovation in advancing and developing education and science in tropical biology. Researches in SEAMEO BIOTROP focus on improving health and education, reducing inequality, thrusting economic growth, tackling climate change and conserving natural resources such as in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, forestry and renewable energy sectors.
Every year SEAMEO BIOTROP opens a Call for Research Proposals to invite multistakeholders to submit research proposals in various aspects of the tropical biology field, based on the program thrusts of SEAMEO BIOTROP. The research results benefit multistakeholders, including communities, private sectors, exporters, importers, farmers, teachers, students, lecturers, academics, government institutions, policymakers, and the general public in Indonesia and in regional scopes. Among the sources of research funding at SEAMEO BIOTROP is DIPA funds.
This compilation of abstracts provides brief information on each research conducted by
SEAMEO BIOTROP funded by DIPA funds for the period of 2017 – 2021. Our sincere
gratitude goes to all research proponents of SEAMEO BIOTROP DIPA Funds for the Fiscal
Year 2017 – 2021 for the research outputs. I do hope that this document benefits all
stakeholders in Indonesia and Southeast Asia for the advancement of science, especially in the
tropical biology field.