Dinamika populasi gulma akibat pengendalian gulma di pertanaman Stevia

Basuki; Wiroatmodjo, J.; Sastroutomo, S.S.; Sudarsono. , 1986


Basuki; Wiroatmodjo, J.; Sastroutomo, S.S.; Sudarsono. Dinamika populasi gulma akibat pengendalian gulma di pertanaman Stevia [Weed population dynamics after weed control in Stevia]. 1986. Repr.: Prosiding Konperensi ke-VIII Himpunan Ilmu Gulma Indonesia (eds. O.R. Madkar, A. Soedarsan and S.S. Sastroutomo): 95-101. Himpunan Ilmu Gulma Indonesia (HIGI), Bandung. [co] Konperensi ke-VIII Himpunan Ilmu Gulma Indonesia [Eighth Conference of the Weed Science Society of Indonesia], Bandung, Indonesia, 24-26 March 1986.

Weed population dynamics after weed control in stevia plantation was studied in Kebun Pasir Datar Sukabumi (950 m a.s.l.) from September 1984 to October 1985. Weed control was done using plastic mulch and by hand weeding (pulling and by using sickle), combined with land preparation. Weeding was done after each stevia harvest. Seven observations were made during the period.

Weed population dynamics was affected by weed control method, the period between two consecutive weed controls, weed competition and the environment. Plastic mulch reduced weed species, population and dry weight. The other two methods did not significantly reduce weed population. Weed control reduced the population of weeds with no mature seeds. Otherwise, the population tended to increase in the succeeding observation.

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