Modul Pelatihan Fumigasi Fosfin yang Baik dan Benar
Editor: Ir Djoko Prijono, M.Agr., Dr. Okky Setyawati Dharmaputra, Dr. Hariyadi Halid, 2020Description
In eliminating the use of metyl bromide in seed storage facilities in Indonesia, the Government of Indonesia received a grant from Multilateral Fund through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in 2006, which implementation was coordinated by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia. One of the results is the Training Module on Proper Fumigation Technique using Phosphine.
Phosphime has been used in Indonesia and worldwide to fumigate seed storage facilities, and among alternate fumigant in replacing metyl bromide. However, it is important to understand the proper fumigation technique using phosphine, to increase phosphine effectivity and to prevent from adverse effect from phosphine usage.
This module is established as a guideline to implement the proper fumigation technique using phosphine for seed storage facilties. This module focuses on understanding and implementing phosphine fumigation technique. Several storage pests and fungi are also introduced in this module.