SEAMEO BIOTROP Annual Report FY 2016 - 2017
KMD Department, 2017Description
The past five years of implementing our Centre's 9th Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP 2012-2017), including the fiscal year reviewed in this annual report, have been a challenging but rewarding experience to us. With commitment and diligence, we are proud to have carried out all the activities we have planned out each year.
I am pleased to present our Centre's accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 in this annual report in terms of our research, capacity building, information exchange and community mandates on our two program thrusts, namely: Tropical Biology for Community Welfare and Tropical Biology for Environmental Integrity. Our accomplishments are also categorized under SEAMEO’s three Key Result Areas, namely regional leadership, regional visibility and solid resource base.
During the fiscal year in review, we were thrilled with the new linkages we established with higher learning institutions and regional development organizations in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. We were privileged to expand our target clients to include primary and special education school heads and teachers, farmers, and housewives through our training and community development programs. With these developments, we are excited to introduce new programs and activities under our 10th FYDP 2017-2022 in forging ahead with tropical biology for environmental and societal transformations in Southeast Asia.
For all our achievements in FY 2016/2017, we would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to our Governing Board members and their respective governments for the guidance and continued support in implementing our programs and activities. We are grateful to the Government of Indonesia and SEAMEO for the financial support. We extend our sincere gratitude to our partners and clients for their continuous trust in patronizing our products and services.