SEAMEO BIOTROP Annual Report FY 2018 - 2019
KMD Department, 2019Description
Over the past five decades, SEAMEO BIOTROP continues its commitment to provide scientific knowledge on tropical biology to address critical tropical biology problems in Southeast Asia. Through research, training and other learning activities, as well as information dissemination, the Centre forged ahead in achieving its vision to become “A Leading Centre in Promoting and Enriching Real Values of Tropical Biology in Southeast Asia”.
At the end of Fiscal Year 2018/2019, it is a privileged to present the comprehensive achievement of SEAMEO BIOTROP, through the SEAMEO BIOTROP Annual Report Fiscal Year July 2018 – June 2019. The report covering programs and activities conducted by the Centre and presented in three main sections according to the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) set by SEAMEO secretariat, namely: Regional Leadership, Regional Visibility, and Solid Resource Base. I am proud to enlighten that in all sections, our Centre was able to enhance its performances.
To support the Sustainable Development Goals No. 4 on Quality Education, SEAMEO Secretariat promotes 7 Priority Areas (2015 - 2035). Priority area no. 4 is Promoting the Technical Vocational Education and Training. In 2016, the President of the Republic of Indonesia issued a Decree no. 9, aimed to revitalize vocational schools to improve human resource quality in Indonesia. Aligned with the SDG, SEAMEO Seven Priority Areas and the Presidential Decree, during the fiscal year under review, programs and activities were mostly designed for teachers and students to enable them to enhance their capabilities on agriculture and entrepreneurship. Through our flagship programs of SMARTS-BE, 30 vocational schools of agriculture were fostered to produce more qualified teachers and competitive graduates.
During the fiscal year under review, the Centre conducted 26 research and 32 training courses and other learning events related to tropical biology. A total of 2,433 individuals from government institutions, schools, universities, research centres and private sectors, benefited from the training activities. The Centre also inked 53 Memoranda of Understanding and Agreement during the period of July 2018 to June 2019. The Centre accommodated 5,341 visitors from 98 visits. This number significantly increased by 59% from the previous fiscal year. The Centre also facilitated 303 students and schools’ officers to join the internship programs at the Centre’s headquarter. On the Centre’s resource management aspect, the Centre experienced increase on funding by 22.14%, and more than 70% of the Centre’s staff members have involved in the Centre’s staff development programs.
For all our auspicious achievements in FY 2018/2019, we would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to our Governing Board members and their respective governments for the guidance and continued support in implementing our programs and activities. We are grateful to the Government of Indonesia and SEAMEO for financial support. We extend our sincere gratitude to our partners and stakeholders for their continuous support to our programs and activities.