SEAMEO BIOTROP Annual Report FY 2023 - 2024
KPCU Unit, 2024Description
As we enter the second year of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s 11th Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP), our focus remains on the pillars of connectivity, sustainability, and transformation. This fiscal year, SEAMEO BIOTROP has made significant strides in advancing our strategic priorities, which are carefully aligned with the SEAMEO Strategic Plan 2021-2030, the SEAMEO 7 Priority Areas in science and education, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and ASEAN 2030.
In developing priorities for the 11th FYDP, several key factors were considered to ensure that our programs not only align with global and regional goals but also address the unique challenges and opportunities in Southeast Asia. Our efforts are concentrated on three main program thrusts: the restoration and conservation of unique and degraded ecosystems, the sustainable management and wise use of biodiversity, bioenergy, biotechnology, and food security, and the strengthening of ecosystem resilience to global climate change.
These program thrusts are brought to life through our seven plus one flagship programs. These include initiatives such as “Save Biodiversity for Future Generations,” “Biodiversity Ranking and Database from Mountain to Oceans,” and “Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism in Promoting Biodiversity Conservation,” among others. Each of these programs is designed to drive connectivity within our region, promote sustainability in our practices, and foster transformative change in how we manage and protect our rich biodiversity.
As we continue on this path, SEAMEO BIOTROP remains committed to its mission of delivering innovative products and technologies in science and education, particularly in saving biodiversity and transforming best practices for the betterment of Southeast Asian society. Our achievements this year are a testament to the dedication of our staff and the strength of our partnerships across the region.
I extend my deepest gratitude to everyone involved in our journey, and I look forward to another year of impactful work as we continue to lead in tropical biology and environmental stewardship.