Teknik Silvikultur Untuk Reklamasi Lahan Bekas Tambang
Dr. Ir. Irdika Mansur, M.For. Sc, 2010Description
The book presenting silvicultural techniques from understanding the characteristics and products of forest trees, nursery techniques (from planning to maintenance of seedlings), utilisation of micorrhizal fungi and rhizobium to enhance the survival and growth of seedlings on mine sites, planting technique (conventional, hydroseeding, as well as some innovative techniques), maintenance of the plantation in the field, and evaluation technique to assess the success of mine reclamation programme using standards and guidlines set by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Silvicultural techniques developed through field research and observation presented in this book have now been implemented in the field by many mining companies in Indonesia. The possible environmental problems from miss-management of mine sites, and best mine reclamation practices in Indonesia are presented in the introductory section of the b.
This book is expected to become simple technical guidelines and source of inspiration for mining companies, government institutions responsible directly or indirectly on mining supervision, and educational and research institutions to develop further innovation in mine reclamation, especially to return biodiversity and productivity of the forest area after being mined, to support sustainable development of the country.
About the Author:
Dr Ir Irdika Mansur, M.For.Sc., born in Manokwari, 23 May 1966, is the Deputy Director for Resource Management and Communication SEAMEO BIOTROP as well as a lecturer of the Department of Silviculture Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia. He has got his BSc from the Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University in 1988, Master’s degree from School of Forestry University of Canterbury-New Zealand in 1994, and PhD from Department of Biosciences University of Kent at Canterbury, England in 2000. He was then start developing silvicultural techniques to support mine reclamation in Indonesia through conducting research and worked closely with mining companies as well as mine reclamation contractors. Now he is actively collaborating with the Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and Mining companies engaged in various activities and programmes related to mine reclamation in Indonesia. He is also an expert team of Reclamation of Forest on Mine Sites Forum with main tasks giving training, consultancy, and advice to mining companies concerning application of silviculture of indigenous tree species for mine reclamation.