Urban Farmingas a Solution for Urban Life
Eka Purna Yudha* and Resa Ana Dina

Source: SEAMEO BIOTROP's Research Grant | 2015


Integrated Urban farming with sustainable environmental management become a constructive solution to overcome problems due to food security threats and the water crisis. Through the application of urban farming in dense settlements in the City Bogor- Indonesia was able to create opportunities for growing vegetable crops at the household level, in addition to the action research program is also combined with medicinal plants, ornamental plants, composter, and the absorption holes Biopori as a single entity representing health, environmental aesthetics, household waste management, and water conservation. This study resulted in a total economic value of urban farming applications, which include the potential economic value for vegetable crops (Rp.14.190 million), WTP of the benefits of medicinal and ornamental plants for family health and aesthetic environment (Rp.10.15 million), and the potential economic value of recycling bins (Rp.9.144 million) and water conservation (39.75 million).

Keywords: Urban Farming, Vegetables, Medicinal Plants, Ornamental Plants, Waste management, and water conservation.

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