Nutritional Composition of Water Spinach (Ipomea Aquatica) Grown in Indonesian Aquaponic Systems
Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo , Eri Setadi , and Julie Ekasarie

Source: SEAMEO BIOTROP's Research Grant | 2016


The nutritional value of a particular food is determined primarily by its nutrient composition. This study was designed to evaluatethe nutrient composition of a crop grown in aquaponics as compared to the same grown in soil(non-aquaponics culture). Kangkong (Ipomea aquatica) was chosen because it is regionally important and commonly grown in aquaponics. Fresh leaves of kangkong were planted, grown, harvested, stored and shipped at the same time on three separate farms according to the protocol of the nutrient analysis laboratory. Each sample was divided into three replicates, and analyses were conducted to determine the proximate chemical content, water soluble vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, carotenoids and xanthophylls, cholines and betaines, sterols, oligosaccharides, polyphenols, antioxidant activity, minerals, organic acids, bioactive substances as well as the amino acid and fatty acid profiles. All experiments were repeated three times except for elecrophoretic analyses, which were duplicated. The significance of differences between means was determined by comparing confidence intervals for each treatment at an alpha of 0.05. The results of analyses revealed significant differences between the aquaponic and non-aquaponic samples for several of the minerals, namely: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, chromium and phosphorous. The results of all analyses were compared with literature reference values.

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