Control and Eradication of Chimonobambusa Quadranularis in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park
.S. S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, Soekisman Dr Tjitrosemito, I. Mawardi S. S.H. Wahyuni, S. Bachri , G. C. Handoyo

Source: SEAMEO BIOTROP's Research Grant | 2017


The invasive bamboo plants Chimonobambusa quadrangularis have a high risk infestation that should be eradicated or control in preventing the spread to a larger areas of the forest of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (GGPNP). The aims of the research are: 1) To test the hypothesis that the invasion bambu kerisik (C. quadrangularis) will reduce biodiversity, that may lead altered ecosystem structure; 2) To understand the plant structure and life history of bambu kerisik its pool of potential tiller recruits, and 3) To develop control methods using herbicides and extract of Mikania micrantha. A vegetation analysis using nested sampling method was conducted in resulting the forest biodiversity. The population structure of bamboo was carried out by harvesting its shoots and rhizomes and collected some data on height and diameter of plant, bud bank, and rhizomes length. The experiment of herbicide and extract M. micrantha application was conducted at green house of SEAMEO BIOTROP. The important value index indicated that bamboo was supressed the regeneration of plant local species in GGPNP. It will inflict a negative impact on natural regeneration where the number of local trees will decrease in the future due to only small number of local species seedling would grow and the area was invaded by IAPS. The high growth rate of bamboo shown by the relative growth rate (RGR). The RGR at the core zone was higher than at the periphery zone. During the rainy season, the bamboo allocated their dry weight to tdevelop their plant part on the soil surface, while at the dry season was accumulated to form rhizomes. The experiment in controlling bamboo was performed by using exract of Mikania micrantha, glyphosate, and glufosinate. Application of M. micrantha (0.25 - 0.75 kg/ha) is not effective in controlling bamboo kerisik. Nevertheless, extract of M. micrantha was able to inhibit its rhizome at dosage of 26.43%, 18.65%, and 10.80%. Various dosages of  glufosinate and glyphosate were significantly affected to eradicate the rhizome up to 95-100 %. Therefore, it is recommended to eradicate bamboo using glyphosate at a dosage of 5 kg a.i./ha with multiple repitition at GGPNP.

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