Tuesday, 17 December 2013 on 2:08am

21 Indonesians Complete Training on Risk Analysis, Early Detection and Rapid Respond on Invasive Alien Plant Species in Forest Ecosystem

BIOTROP trained 21 personnel from national parks, estate forest Plantations and forest concession companies in Indonesia on Risk Analysis, Early Detection and Rapid Respond on Invasive Alien Plant Species (IAPS) in Forest Ecosystem on  27-30 November 2013 at its headquarter in Bogor, Indonesia.

The general objective of the training course was to introduce to the participants the concept of Risk Analysis, Early Detection and Rapid Response and equip them with the skills in addressing IAPS related issues. 

The training course consisted of lecture-discussions and group and individual practical exercises. Lecture topics were:  Concept of IAPS and Their impacts to natural vegetation, Biology of IAPS, International Convention on Plant Protection and Biological Diversity, Early Detection System of with rapid response,  Forest Sector Policy on Risk Analysis and Rapid Response to IAPS Problems, IAPS  Risk Analysis : Pre and Post Risk Assessment,  Concept of Plant Classification, Plant Morphology and Identification, Ecological Concept and Ecosystem References and Community-based Restoration, Herbicide Treatment of IAPS, Quarantine Regulations on IAPS and Community-based Restoration Program.  On the other hand, practical exercises focused on weed risk assessment, iidentification of IAPS, and IAPS data base searching, and Herbicide treatment of Invasive Alien Plant Species.
A group project assignment on risk analysis was given to the participants and outputs were presented at the last day of the training.

Resource persons during the training course were Ir. Adi Susmianto, MSc and Dr. Hendra Gunawan from  Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation, Research and Development of Ministry of Forestry;  Dr. Ir. Arifin Tasrif MSc., from Indonesian Plant Quarantine Agency; Dr. Samedi  from Tropical Forest Conservation Action (TFCA) Sumatra; Dr. S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, Drs. Imam Mawardi and  Indah Wahyuni SSi., from SEAMEO BIOTROP.  Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo also served as the Technical Training Coordinator.

The training course was supported by Global Environment Fund (GEF).

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