Congratulations to SEAMEO BIOTROP as an Awardee of a Partner Agency Award of the Cagayan State University Friday, 11 June 2021 on 11:32am

Congratulations to SEAMEO BIOTROP as an Awardee of a Partner Agency Award of the Cagayan State University

During the 43rd Founding Anniversary of Cagayan State University, which was celebrated on 11 June 2021, SEAMEO BIOTROP was awarded a Partner Agency Award of the Cagayan State University, in sincere recognition and grateful appreciation for being a valuable partner of Cagayan State University in gearing up the cause of quality education and innovative research and extension for the Cagayano Community.

This award was presented by President Urdujah G. Alvarado, PhD., the President of Cagayan State University, during the 43rd Founding Anniversary of Cagayan State University.


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