Friday, 24 July 2015 on 8:38am

Four Indonesians receive SEAMEO BIOTROP PhD Thesis Support Grants for 2015

SEAMEO BIOTROP awarded thesis support grants to four Indonesian PhD students for 2015. 

The Grantees and their home institutions and research topics are as follows:

Name:Mr. Syamsul Bachry. H, M.Si.S.Si
Home Institution:Department Biology Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Research Topic:Genetic Diversity of Snail Abalone in Indonesia
Name:Mr. Ir Zainal Muttaqin, MP
Home Institution:Silviculture Tropical Mayor (SVKJ), Forestry Faculty, Bogor Agriculture University (IPB)
Research Topic:Diversity Analysis and DNA Barcode for Ensuring the Identification of Mistletoe Parasitizing Teak in Clonal Seed Orchard in Padangan, East Java Regional Division of Perum Perhutani
Name:Mr. Tonny Cortis Maigoda, SKM, MA
Home Institution:Dept of Human Nutrition, Human Ecology Faculty, Bogor Agriculture University (IPB)
Research Topic:Effects of Red Dragon Fruits (Hylocereus polyrhizus) and Swimming Exercise to Inflammation Markers, Oxidative Stress, and Physical Fitness in Obesity of Male  Rats (Sprague dawley)
Name:Ms. Tri Ratna Saridewi, S.Pi. M.Si
Home Institution:Faculty of Economics and Management, Bogor Agriculture University (IPB)
Research Topic:Land Use Planning Model Using Institutional Approach in Ciliwung Watershed

Launched in 2011, the Centre’s PhD Thesis Support Grants Program aims to increase the number of qualified human resources in higher learning institutions and government agencies where the grantees are affiliated with the expectation that they would contribute to the development of Indonesia in the area of tropical biology and natural resources management. Since then, a total of 36 PhD students from 12 universities and research institutions in Indonesia have benefitted from the Program.

This year’s grantees are all taking their PhD study program at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).

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