Tuesday, 27 November 2018 on 4:00am

BIOTROP Provides Training on Herbarium Management for School Teachers

SEAMEO BIOTROP held the first training on management of herbarium and plant identification for 26 biology teachers from various Forestry Vocational Schools and Senior High Schools in Indonesia on 12-16 November 2018 at its headquarter in Bogor. This activity was meant to share knowledge and skills to school teachers in establishing and managing herbarium as well as using it as a learning resource for students in identifying plants.

Herbarium is defined as either preserved plant specimens or buildings where herbarium specimens are stored. It is one of the important learning media of plant biology and forestry due to its function as a reference for plant identification.

"Through herbarium, the teachers can create a scientific mind set of the students and help them in understanding the concept, classification and description of the plants," conveyed Dr Jess Fernandez, BIOTROP Deputy Director for Programme, in his opening remarks.

According to the Coordinator of the training, Ms Indah Wahyuni, M.Si (BIOTROP Herbarium Researcher Assistant), there were 10 experts invited to deliver 10 topics to the participants in classroom and practicum sessions. They were Dr Iwan Hilwan from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB); Dr Harry Wiriadinata from Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI); Dr Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo, Mr Setiabudi, S.Hut, Mr Saiful Bachri, S.Si, Ms Indah Wahyuni, M.Si, and Mr Haritz Cahya Nugraha, MT, from BIOTROP; as well as Mr Dima Meiyandi, S.Hut, Mr Dirga S. Pradana, S.Si, and Ms Mei Linda Mardalena, S.Si, from the EFForTS project.

The topics for the classroom session included: 1) Introduction to Dry Specimen Herbarium, Carpology and Arboretum, 2) Dendrology, 3) Identification of Tree Specimens, 4) Characters of Important Tree Familia, 5) Specimen Management and Procedure for Using Specimens, 6) Database for Herbarium Specimen Collection, and 7) Identification of Dry Tree Herbarium Specimens. While for the practicum session were: 1) Identification of Tree Specimens, 2) Collection of Specimens for Dry Herbarium, and 3) Drying, Placing, Numbering, Preservation and Storage of Specimens. A field trip to Herbarium of SEAMEO BIOTROP (BIOT) dan Herbarium of Hortus Botanicus Bogoriense (BOHB) at Bogor Botanical Garden was also held to learn the familia of tree collection as well as management of weed and forest herbarium.

“After this training, we hope that all participants can develop Herbarium in their respective schools in order to provide the students with more knowledge through an attractive learning media,” concluded Ms. Indah.

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