Tuesday, 01 December 2015 on 2:45am

BIOTROP Seminar Promotes Food Safety

"Food and feed safety have increasingly become a global important issue. Proper post-harvest handling of food and feed play a significant role to determine quality and quantity to protect human and animal health,” said BIOTROP Deputy Director for Program Dr Jess Fernandez in his opening remarks for the Centre’s Seminar on Food Safety and Method Validation held on 25 November 2015 in its headquarter in Bogor.

The seminar was aimed to inform the participants on the status of mycotoxin contamination and methods of mycotoxin testing on food and feedstuff in Indonesia, as well as validation principles on food safety.

This seminar was held in collaboration with Vicam Mycotoxin Testing Solution, PT Radin Nugrah Daksatama and PT GAIA Science. The resource persons were Ms Santi Ambarwati from BIOTROP’s Services Laboratory, Dr Julia Kantasubrata from from Indonesia National Accreditation Agency, Mr Kustono from PT GAIA Science, Mr Jerry Ding from Vicam Asia Pacific) and Mr Joko Tanadi from PT Radin Nugrah Daksatama.

Eighty-seven participants from food industries, research institutions, certification institutions, test laboratories and universities in Indonesia attended the seminar.

Mrs Santi Ambarwati, M.Si. and Mrs Maya Masita Novianti, M.Si.

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