Monday, 09 December 2013 on 2:38am

BIOTROP receives Swedish University of Agricultural Science students and lecturers

Nineteen students and three lecturers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Science visited BIOTROP on 3 December 2013 as part of their study tour program in Indonesia. The visit’s purpose was to learn about the Centre’s research and training activities.

 The visitors were welcomed by SEAMEO BIOTROP Director Dr. Bambang Purwantara, together with Deputy Director for Resources Management Dr Irdika Mansur and several department managers and scientists.  Aside from viewing the Centre’s profile video,  the group received briefing from Dr. Bambang on BIOTROP’s organizational structure in relation to carrying out the Centre’s research and training mandates.  On the other hand,   Prof. Dr. Par C. Oden, the delegation head and in-charge of the Master of Science Degree Program in Forestry, also provided an overview of their University and its activities including the study tour of students to other countries.

The program proceeded with a presentation by Dr. Irdika on “Improvement of Mine Reclamation Practices for Environmental Integrity and Community Welfare.”   Considering the importance of the mining sector to Indonesia’s economy and the benefits it gives to local communities and governments, he emphasized that BIOTROP has been providing technical assistance to some mining companies in developing their corporate social responsibility (CSR) program related to mine reclamation.  He shared some best practices and activities of some mining companies in Indonesia on mine reclamation as part of their CSR  especially that of Newmont located in Nusa Tenggara Province.    The presentation led the visiting students to also share information on the Swedish forestry and forestry industry, particularly on pulp and wood, which play a significant role in supporting their country’s economy. (YK/JF)

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