BIOTROP to School: SuperMy-The Roles of Mycorrhiza in Restoring Marginal Land Friday, 03 June 2022 on 10:02am

BIOTROP to School: SuperMy-The Roles of Mycorrhiza in Restoring Marginal Land

Mycorrhiza is an intimate and mutual association between filaments of a fungus and the roots of higher plants, which forms a delicate balance between the host plant and the fungus resulting in enhanced nutritional support for the plant and the fungus.  The fungus-plant association stimulates plant growth and accelerates the development of plant roots.  This association also makes the plant less susceptible to soil-borne pathogens and other environmental stresses.

Since 2019, SEAMEO BIOTROP has been conducting research on mycorrhiza product development and ex-mining land revegetation starting with the identification of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) Spores by using the molecular technique. In 2020 SEAMEO BIOTROP conducted research on planting Bede grass on ex-coal mining land to study the role of AMF in revegetating the marginal land.  Further studies on mycorrhiza regarding biomass propagation development technique, formulation, storage packaging and effectivity tests were conducted in 2021.

The importance of restoring marginal land is becoming apparent, especially in facing global climate change and conserving biodiversity.  Based on studies conducted by the Biosystem Landscape and Management Laboratory of SEAMEO BIOTROP, it is indicated that mycorrhiza is essential in accelerating the revegetation efforts of marginal land.  Therefore, it is necessary to disseminate the knowledge on mycorrhiza to educational institutions.

The 3 ͬ ͩ  series of BIOTROP to School (BtS) in 2022 was held on 27 May 2022 to present the role of mycorrhiza in restoring marginal land and promote SEAMEO BIOTROP’s programs with the theme “Save Biodiversity for Future Generations”.  The resource person was Ms. Risa Rosita, MSi, the Head of the Environmental Technology and Security Section of the Science Innovation and Technology Department of SEAMEO BIOTROP.  This event was participated by 100 participants from schools in Indonesia.  

The 3 ͬ ͩ   BtS was opened by Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP. In his opening remarks, Dr Zulhamsyah shared his expectation that the BtS will continuously be a source of knowledge for schools leading to future beneficial collaborations between SEAMEO BIOTROP and the schools. (sis).

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