Thursday, 10 March 2011 on 8:04am

SEAMEO BIOTROP celebrates 43rd Founding Anniversary

With the theme “Togetherness for a Brighter Future,” SEAMEO BIOTROP held two special events to celebrate its 43rd founding anniversary on 21 and 28 February 2011 at the Centre’s Convention Hall.

The 21 February celebration was an internal affair among Centre officials and staff members. Delivering his inspirational speech, Centre Director Dr. Bambang Purwantara acknowledged the efforts of all staff members and partner agencies, especially the Government of Indonesia, for sustaining the operation and helping accomplish the Centre’s activities. He encouraged everybody to continue being committed to their service to realize the Centre’s vision as a centre of excellence in research, training and information exchange in tropical biology in the region. 

The event was highlighted by the recognition of 2010 outstanding staff members led by Mr. Denas Yuni, Finance Unit Head, as BIOTROP’s Employee of the Year and as among the SEAMEO Service awardees. The other staff members who were given recognition included Mr. Kurniawan (Security Unit), Mr. Jujum (Finance Unit), Mr. Agus Sujadi (Facilities Unit) and Mr. Arif Nuryadin (Laboratory Services). All these outstanding staff members received tokens of appreciation from the Centre Director.

Also during this day, Centre staff members showcased their talents in various presentations. A group of male and female staff members gave a demonstration of Kempo, a Japanese martial arts,  while other units presented musical numbers and skits to the delight of everybody.  Door prizes were also raffled off to lucky winners.  

On the other hand, the 28 February celebration was for the general public.  It consisted of 3 activities, namely:  1)  Seminar and Exhibition on Reclamation of Ex-Mining Areas, 2) Signing of Memorandum of Understanding with PT Trubus and PT Sinar Puspapersada, and 3) Launching of the book written by Dr Irdika Mansur, Deputy Director for Resource Mobilization and Communication, entitled “Teknik Silviculture untuk Reklamasi Lahan Bekas Tambang.”

No less than the Secretary of Directorate General of Higher Education, Dr. Harris Iskandar, opened the event which was attended by 150 invitees from mining companies, research institutions, universities and secondary schools, including  BIOTROP staff members.

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