SEAMEO BIOTROP Collaboration in the Rare Tree-Planting Movement Campaign Thursday, 16 September 2021 on 4:50pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP Collaboration in the Rare Tree-Planting Movement Campaign

Bogor, 16th March 2021 SEAMEO BIOTROP collaborates with the DPP of the IPB Alumni Association (DPP HA IPB). IPB University, and PT Jasa Marga in campaigning for the conservation movement for planting rare trees. The campaign for planting rare trees is carried out to maintain biodiversity and maintain ecosystem balance. This activity is also a form of concern for the preservation of biodiversity and the commitment of Nation's Determination Contribution in reducing carbon gas. In this activity, there were 65 trees planted in the IPB University Campus area. 

Save Biodiversity is one of the missions at SEAMEO BIOTROP, so the movement of planting rare trees is a concern for BIOTROP in carrying out this mission. Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran in his speech stated that he strongly supports inviting the younger generation to carry out tree planting movements and it is hoped that this activity will sustain. "I want to invite you to plant, and love trees since childhood, so that we can enjoy the beauty and benefits of trees," he said. This activity is the second time the campaign has been carried out by SEAMEO BIOTROP with DPP HA IPB, IPB University, and PT Jasa Marga which was previously carried out in Area 88 B of the Cipularang Toll Road in 2020.

Consistency and continuity are needed in campaigning for this rare tree-planting movement. Chairman of the DPP HA IPB, Ir. Fathan said that planting rare trees is a sustainable civilization. "This activity requires resilience and commitment that will further encourage this process of civilization to emerge among alumni so that the next generation understands how ecosystems work, they will remember how the construction was formed, one of which is through planting trees, especially rare trees to protect germplasm," he said.

This is in line with what was conveyed by the Chancellor of IPB University, Prof. Dr. Arif Satria who stated that the importance of encouraging sustainability in the tree-planting movement required a new mindset among the community called the regenerative mindset. "The regeneration mindset needs to be built because at this time what is needed is not only to maintain and allow trees to grow, but more than that, namely to plant more trees, so that we will be more fond of planting trees," he said. In the future, a triple bottom line concept is needed that needs to be built to maintain sustainability. "The triple bottom line consisting of profit, people and planet must be considered so that it is not only about profit but also its impact on the environment to create sustainability in maintaining environmental ecosystems," he added.

This activity was attended by more than 60 participants from various partners and the alumni network of IPB University, BEM KM IPB, and private parties. (days).

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