MOMI Claudia Series 9: The Role of Research on Biodiversity Management as An Economic Driver Tuesday, 14 September 2021 on 10:56am

MOMI Claudia Series 9: The Role of Research on Biodiversity Management as An Economic Driver

SEAMEO BIOTROP held a MOMI CLOUDIA webinar Series 9  with the theme “Good Governance on Managing Marine Biodiversity and Biotechnology: Lessons from Experience” on 14 September 2021. This webinar aimed to provide information on the importance of managing biodiversity in Indonesia, especially biodiversity in marine areas. 

The resource person in this webinar was Prof Dr Ir Rokhmin Dahuri, MS, an expert in marine biodiversity management in the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Prof Rokhmin is a former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries within the period of 2001-2004.  In this webinar, Prof Rokhmin delivered his presentation on the role and contribution of biodiversity and biotechnology resources for community welfare.  He also shared his experiences in the management of marine areas in Indonesia. "It is pertinent to strengthen the contribution from research and development in maximizing the upstream and downstream industries, especially in scalling up research findings to innovations to meet the national and export needs," Prof Rokhmin stated. He further shared that the role of SEAMEO BIOTROP as a research institution in managing biodiversity can be carried out through market-oriented research, inventions to achieve technological readiness, as well as collaboration with industries and the government to market the research results.

The webinar was opened by Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP. "This webinar is a sharing media to learn about experiences in managing biodiversity and biotechnology,  to be developed for the nation's growth", said Dr Zulhamsyah. Therefore, SEAMEO BIOTROP as a tropical biology research center in Southeast Asia has a role in the research and development to produce innovations from the research results of biodiversity in Indonesia. 

The webinar was attended by 123 participants, consisted of researchers, governmental officers, academics, and the general public, from all over Indonesia. (day)

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