Tuesday, 08 September 2015 on 2:17am

BIOTROP Provides Training Course on Scientific Writing for International Publications

Publishing scientific articles in peer-reviewed international journals is important to build the researchers’ credibility and visibility as well as to contribute to the enhancement of the body of knowledge in their respective fields. Thus, BIOTROP conducted a two-day Training Course on Scientific Writing for International Publications on 24 and 25 August 2015 at its headquarter in Bogor. The training was also aimed to increase the number of published articles in international peer-reviewed journals by Indonesian scientists.

The training course was attended by 44 participants consisting of university lecturers and postgraduate students, and researchers from 21 institutions in Indonesia. This training course consisted of lecture and clinic sessions. The clinic session was held to evaluate manuscripts that have been already drafted by 31 of the participants.

Topics presented in the lecture sessions were as follows: Policy and Program of Directorate General for Higher Education on Requiring Post Graduate Students to Write Scientific Publications, and How to Avoid Plagiarism in Writing Scientific Publications  presented by Prof Ir Wasmen Manalu, PhD from IPB; Choosing the Right Journal for Scientific Manuscript Submission presented by Dr Rino R. Mukti, Editorial Board Member of ITB Journal; Writing Strategy for Publishing in International Journals presented by Dr Anuraga Jayanegara, Editor-in-Chief of Media Peternakan, IPB; and Submission Procedures of BIOTROPIA Journal presented by Mr Harry Imantho, Managing Editor of BIOTROPIA Journal. The lecture session was moderated by Prof Dr Bambang Purwantara, Editor-in-Chief of BIOTROPIA.

Facilitators during the clinic session were Prof Dr Suminar S. Achmadi, Prof Ir Wasmen Manalu, PhD, Dr Anuraga Jayanegara, Dr Jesus C. Fernandez, Dr Rino R. Mukti and Dr Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo. Recognizing the relevance of the training course, the participants suggested its regular offering by BIOTROP for the benefit of other researchers and post graduate students.

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