Tuesday, 02 September 2014 on 7:45am

35 Participants Complete Training Course on Managing Stored Product Pests through Good Fumigation Practices

Recognizing that insect pest infestation contributes significantly to postharvest losses in Indonesia, SEAMEO BIOTROP trained 35 warehouse managers, quarantine officers, researchers, and university lecturers during its Second National Training Course on Managing Stored Product Pests through Good  Fumigation Practices on 25-28 August 2014 held at its headquarter in Bogor.

In opening the training course, SEAMEO BIOTROP Deputy Director for Program Dr. Jess C. Fernandez emphasized the importance of practicing proper fumigation techniques to ensure food and feed safety and availability against postharvest losses due to insect pests.

The training course provided the participants with knowledge and hands-on experiences on various stored product insect pests and its control alternatives, types of fumigants and their formulation, and proper fumigation techniques.  

As a training course requirement, the participants formulated individual action plans which they are expected to apply in their respective work stations.

The results of pre- and post-test indicated the siginificant increase in the knowledge and skills of the participants on the subject matter. 

Resource persons and facilitators during the training course were Dr. Idham S. Harahap and Ms. Sri Widayanti from SEAMEO BIOTROP, Dr. Purnama Hidayat from Bogor Agriculture University, Abi Said Hudri from Center for Plant Quarantine and Plant Biosafety, Taufan Tanto Setiawan and Sunarto from Applied Research Institute of Agricultural Quarantine (ARIAQ), Dwi Putra Setiawan, MSc. from PT Biosecurity Solution, Dr. Muhrizal Sarwani, MSc. from  Directorate of Fertilizers and Pesticides, Arief Zakaria from PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Bogasari Flour Div, Yudhi Wahyudi from PT Bhakti Inspektama, Fatra Widjaja, MSc. from PT Sterix Indonesia.  Dr. Idham S. Harahap also served as the training course coordinator.

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