Ciliwung Care Day: Direct Action of BIOTROP for Community Tuesday, 02 April 2019 on 3:14am

Ciliwung Care Day: Direct Action of BIOTROP for Community

With regard to the implementation of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s program thrust in the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Unique Ecosystems/Landscapes of High Biodiversity, the Centre participated in the Ciliwung Care Day activity. This activity was coordinated by the Fisheries Student Association of IPB University (HIMASPER IPB) on 24 March 2019 at the Ciliwung Watershed, Kedung Badak, Bogor. Through this activity, the Centre invited communities to keep the river clean. A total of 238 people consisting of IPB student associations, IPB alumni association (HA), NGOs, local governments, and local communities living near the river joined this activity.

In his remarks, Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, Deputy Director for Administration of the Centre said, “Ciliwung Care Day activity is our movement to create better environment so that our next generation will still be able to obtain the benefits of the river in the future. A collaboration from many related parties is important, thus, we are here to do this together”. Dr Zulham also said that this environmental event was in line with the Focus Group Discussion “Building Synergy and Collaboration in the Ciliwung River Management through the Cinta Ciliwung Movement” activity held by the Centre in December last year.

During the activity, participants cleaned up the trash in several places around the river and planting trees together. The plants planted were jambolan (Syzygium cumini), santol fruit (Sandroricum koetjape), teak (Tectona grandis), ebony (Diospyros celebica), gandaria (Bauea macrophylla), kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol), and jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum).

Several educational programs were also delivered to the local communities, namely the compost making process, the construction of the park at the bank of the river, the importance of maintaining the environment, and information on river’s quality and biodiversity.

Also attending the activity were the representative from Tanah Sareal sub-district officials, Dr Majariana Krisanti (representative of Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of IPB), Ms. Nelly Oswini Subekti (Vice Chairman of HA IPB), dan Mr. Een Irawan Putra (Ciliwung Care Community).

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