Seventy SEAMEO BIOTROP Staff Completed the In-House Training on The Introduction to Residential Pests Control Methods Friday, 21 February 2025 on 1:44pm

Seventy SEAMEO BIOTROP Staff Completed the In-House Training on The Introduction to Residential Pests Control Methods

To enhance understanding of various types of pests commonly found in residential environments and to effectively control them  using environmentally friendly methods, SEAMEO BIOTROP held an In-House Training on The Introduction to Residential Pest Control Methods on 31 January 2025.

The main resource person was Ms. Sri Widayanti, MSi, an entomologist from SEAMEO BIOTROP, who provided insights into various residential pests, such as rats, cockroaches, flies, and termites.  During the In-House Training, the participants were provided  information on the proper use of pesticides and alternative natural methods for more sustainably controlling pest populations .  The emphasize was on the awareness of proper pest management to create a healthy and comfortable work environment. “By understanding pest behavior and prevention methods, we can reduce the risk of disease transmission and facility damage,” stated Ms. Widayanti.

Participants responded positively in regard to the training. One participant stated, “This training is beneficial as it provides new insights and knowledge on effectively dealing with pests in the office.”
Through this training, the participants were expected to increase awareness and knowledge in managing residential pests more systematically and sustainably, and encourage practices that ensure healthier work spaces for employees through proper pest management techniques and better hygiene practices.  (wk, hcn, sw)

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