Tuesday, 13 October 2015 on 8:17am

Indonesia Reaffirms Commitment to SEAMEO

Jakarta, Kemendikbud --- Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture, Dr. Anies Baswedan declared Indonesia’s continuing commitment to actively participate in the programs and activities of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) during a press conference held on 8 October 2015 at the Minister’s office. “We are committed to be an active member country of SEAMEO especially so that Indonesia will be entrusted to lead the SEAMEO Council in l 2017,” said the Minister.

The Minister explained that SEAMEO is older than the ASEAN having been established in 1965, in Bangkok Thailand, as the result of the meeting among five ministers of education in Southeast Asia. “This was so to ensure that cooperation in the education sector can be established among countries in the region,” said the Minister.

SEAMEO’s existence in the region is deemed essential towards integrating education between and among Southeast Asian Countries through sharing of knowledge and expertise, and moreover in preparing human resources to achieve the ASEAN Economic Community.

Currently, one of SEAMEO’s priorities is to improve the quality of teachers in the region. To realize this, SEAMEO has established linkages with experts from several countries to discuss teacher development  in SEAMEO member countries. SEAMEO will also conduct various training courses especially for vocational teachers to prepare vocational students so that they could meet the demands of the industry sector and will have easier access to work in foreign countries.

SEAMEO currently fosters cooperation to help in opening access to and improving the quality of education throughout the region, including Indonesia. “We need to identify the problems and try to find the solutions for them, “the Minister  said.

SEAMEO has 21 centres and six of these centres are in Indonesia, said Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, Gatot Hari Priowirjanto. Each centre regularly offers training and other relevant programs in education, science, and culture. (NurWidiyanto)

Taken from: http://kemdikbud.go.id/kemdikbud/berita/4685

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