SEAMEO BIOTROP Organizes Dissemination of the National Long-Term Development Plan 2025-2045 from the Perspective of the Environment Thursday, 20 July 2023 on 3:05pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP Organizes Dissemination of the National Long-Term Development Plan 2025-2045 from the Perspective of the Environment

The National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) is a macro-political plan covering a twenty-year vision, mission, and direction for long-term development. As an institution working in the field of environmental issues, SEAMEO BIOTROP collaborated with the Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI), the Central Executive Board of Bogor Agricultural University Alumni Association (DPP HA IPB), and the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia to organize the event "Dissemination of RPJPN 2025-2045: Perspective of the Environment" on Friday, July 14, 2023.

Apart from the dissemination, the event also aimed to gather input from participants regarding the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) for 2025-2045. RPJPN 2025-2045 has the vision of "Indonesia Emas 2045," aiming to make Indonesia a "Sovereign, Advanced, and Sustainable Archipelagic State." This vision is translated into eight development agendas: Agenda 2 - Economic Transformation, Agenda 5 - Strengthening Social-Cultural and Ecological Resilience, and Agenda 7 - Achieving Quality and Environmentally Friendly Infrastructure.

In supporting these agendas, there are 17 development directions for Indonesia, such as IE 5 - Implementation of a green economy; IE 15 - High-quality environment; IE 16 - Energy, water, and food self-reliance; IE 17 - Resilience to disasters and climate change.
During his speech, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Mohammad Jafar Hafsah (Vice Chairman for Science, Technology, and Environment at ICMI) emphasized the need to address the climate crisis by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change and reducing vulnerability, enhancing adaptive capacity and reducing vulnerability, mobilizing climate funding, promoting education and awareness about climate change, and engaging in international cooperation. He also stressed the importance of integrating terrestrial and marine ecosystems in formulating RPJPN 2025-2045.
"To ensure environmental aspects and sustainability, the preparation of RPJPN 2025-2045 has undergone a Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS) process," stated Ir. Medrilzam, M.Prof. Econ, Ph.D., as the Director of Environmental Affairs at BAPPENAS, who served as a speaker during the event.

In his presentation, he explained that KLHS aims to ensure that projects or activities are carried out responsibly towards the environment and minimize negative impacts. The five basic principles of KLHS include: applying science-based policies, considering carrying capacity, emphasizing trade-offs in policy analysis, applying Holistic, Integrated, Thematic, and Spatial (HITS) principles, and involving the active participation of development planners.

In conclusion, Dr. Medrilzam conveyed that Indonesia's development in the next 20 years will solidly adhere to sustainability principles towards the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045. Through the KLHS process, environmental aspects and sustainable development have been integrated into the RPJPN 2025-2045 draft. The active role of the public is also continuously expected to oversee and assist in ensuring the process from formulation to implementation and development of policies.

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