Thursday, 29 July 2010 on 6:18am

SEAMEO Drawing Competition 2010

SEAMEO Drawing Competition 2010
Theme:  Education to Reach the Unreached  and

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Secretariat (SEAMEO
Secretariat) and the SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC)
are pleased to invite Southeast Asian children to share their dreams and wishes; and
expess their creativity through
the SEAMEO Drawing Competition 2010




In Southeast Asia, there are adults and children who cannot read nor write because they lack or have no access to educational opportunities and services.

There are many reasons why they are not able to access education.  Some of them probably live in the remote areas where there is no school or learning centre, or perhaps they have special needs because of their disability.  Some of them may be in difficult situations because they are from very poor families and they need to earn a living. Some may be orphans or are from ethnic minorities and unable to speak the dominant language used in school.  Others may have been affected by natural calamities such as typhoons or tsunamis; and some may have been afflicted with diseases and other problems. 

The educational needs of these population groups ought to be addressed. Unfortunately, many of them still remain unreached.

Committed in promoting cooperation in education, science and culture; and in providing Education For All, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) recognizes the need to reach out and build bridges and pathways to bring quality education to every unreached individual in Southeast Asia.  

The SEAMEO Drawing Competition 2010 aims to raise awareness and understanding on the difficulty of the unreached population groups and their need to access quality education. The Competition provides opportunity for Southeast Asian children to express their concern and share their vision on this important theme by demonstrating their creativity through drawing.

The Competition is open to children who are nationals of SEAMEO Member Countires,   9 - 15 years of age, and studying in a school or community learning centre in a Southeast Asian country (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam).  


This SEAMEO Drawing Competition 2010 consists of 2 categories:
1)      Hand drawing
2)      Drawing using any computer software (Computer Drawing)  


The theme for both categories is “Education to Reach the Unreached”

The Competition Guidelines:

  • Both categories of the Competition are open to children who are 9 - 15 years old and who are nationals of Southeast Asian countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam).      
  • The drawing has to be produced on an A4 size sheet of any kind of paper.
Submission of Entries:
  • The last day of submission of entries is Thursday, 30 September 2010
  • Artwork can be submitted to the SEAMEO Secretariat in two ways:

1)      Scan the hand drawing in high resolution and send with a completed entry form to:  (and cc:  and  

Computer drawing in PDF format with a completed entry form can be sent directly to the above email addresses. 

2)      Send the drawing entries by post to the following address. (Please ensure that entries will arrive the SEAMEO Secretariat before 30 September 2010) 

SEAMEO Drawing Competition
SEAMEO Secretariat
920 Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110, Thailand

Voting for the Winners:

·  Voting for the winners of both categories (Hand drawing and Computer drawing) will be  conducted in  two ways during 11- 22 October 2010:

1)      Voting by the Centre Directors of 19 SEAMEO Regional Centres (60% of score)

2)      Voting  by general public through website (40% of score)

General public, teachers and students can vote for their preferred drawings through the website:

·  Winners of both categories will be notified on 29 October 2010. Please check the announcement on the website:  and

The Prizes:
The Prizes for Category 1: Hand Drawing

·     The 1st Prize:

Plaque of Recognition for the school, Certificate of Recognition for the student
Educational Development Fund for the school, valued at USD 200.00
Scholarship for the student, valued at USD 150.00

·     The 2nd Prize:

Plaque of Recognition for the school, Certificate of Recognition for the student
Educational Development Fund for the school, valued at USD 100.00
Scholarship for the student, valued at USD 100.00

·     The 3rd Prize:

Plaque of Recognition for the school, Certificate of Recognition for the student
Scholarship for the student, valued at USD 100.00

The Prizes for Category 2: Computer Drawing

·       The 1st Prize:

Plaque of Recognition for the school, Certificate of Recognition for the student
Educational Development Fund for the school, valued at USD 200.00
Scholarship for the student, valued at USD 150.00

·       The 2nd Prize:

Plaque of Recognition for the school, Certificate of Recognition for the student
Educational Development Fund for the school, valued at USD 100.00
Scholarship for the student, valued at USD 100.00
·       The 3rd Prize:

Plaque of Recognition for the school, Certificate of Recognition for the student
Scholarship for the student, valued at USD 100.00

Important Dates:

    * Open for submission of entries:                                   26 July to 30 September 2010
    * Last day to submit entries:                                          30 September 2010
    * Online voting through                       11 -22 October 2010
    * Announcement of winners:                                           29 October 2010
    * Award presentation:                                                    November – December 2010

Download Document:

    * Information on the SEAMEO Drawing Competition 2010 and Entry Form in English

    * Information on the SEAMEO Drawing Competition 2010 and Entry Form in Thai

For more information, please contact:

SEAMEO Drawing Competition 2010
SEAMEO Secretariat,  920 Sukhumvit Road,  Klongtoey District,  Bangkok 10110
Tel:  +66 (0) 2391 0144   Fax +66 (0) 2381 2587
Website: and
(cc: and

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