Monday, 03 September 2018 on 7:20am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Organizes Training on Warehouse Pest Management Through Proper Fumigation Practices

To prevent damage on stored materials including foods, feeds and documents during storage period, SEAMEO BIOTROP conducted another National Training Course on Warehouse Pest Management through Proper Fumigation Practices on 27-29 August 2018 at its headquarter in Bogor.

The training course was intended to: 1) provide knowledge and skills on alternative warehouse pest control and management using various kinds of fumigants as well as the right fumigation techniques, and 2) share experiences among the participants in overcoming the pest problems in their respective institutions

Fifty participants from various universities, research and archive institutions, government food agencies, as well as a nongovernment organization and an agricultural quarantine agency across Indonesia completed the training course.

SEAMEO BIOTROP Dr Irdika Mansur, in his opening remarks, emphasized the importance of proper fumigation in preserving stored materials in warehouses and reducing losses with less negative impact to the surroundings.

The participants received lectures and underwent practical exercises on 1) introduction to warehouse insect pests, 2) integrated warehouse pest management, 3) destructive organisms of wood, archive materials and museum and its management, 4) proper fumigation using sulfuryl fluoride and solid phosphine, and 5) general pest control.

These topics were presented by four resource persons, namely: Dr Idham Sakti Harahap and Ir Sri Widayanti from SEAMEO BIOTROP; Mr. Ridwan Alaydrus from Agricultural Quarantine Agency of Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture; and Ir H Mohamad Rivai from PT Rebio Mega Aranda.

Ir Sri Widayanti coordinated the training course.

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