Launching of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Priority Program Wednesday, 27 July 2022 on 8:57am

Launching of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Priority Program

SEAMEO BIOTROP current vision is to become a reputable center for sustainable biodiversity in management Southeast Asia. SEAMEO BIOTROP had mandate, namely science education, capacity building of human resource, and information dissemination. Related to this mandate SEAMEO BIOTROP has launched the tagline “Save Biodiversity “in 2021, in line with this vision SEAMEO BIOTROP has carried out the transformation and refocusing of its THRUST program to strengthen its visibility, contribution, and role in saving biodiversity. There are 3 refocusing program THRUST, such as 1) Restoration and conservation of unique and degraded ecosystem; 2) Sustainable of management and wisely utilization of biodiversity, bio-energy, bio-technology, and food security; and 3) Strengthening ecosystem resilience to global climate change.


On 19 July, 2022, SEAMEO BIOTROP was held an event about Launching the SEAMEO BIOTROP Priority Program. This event was held at SEAMEO BIOTROP. The event invited official member from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia, IPB University, SEAMEO Governing Board Member from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar and the Board of Director of seven SEAMEO Center in Indonesia. There are also a resource person in this event were, 1) Dr. Zulhamsyah Imran the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP; and 2) Bambang Sulistio S. Si a HRAD Manager of SEAMEO BIOTROP. This event was officially open by Prof. Dr. Ir. Arif Satria a Rector of IPB Univeristy and Governing Board Chair. In his opening remarks, Prof. Dr. Ir. Arif Satria hoped SEAMEO BIOTROP priority programs will increase the regional agriculture, preserve and conserve the regional biodiversity especially in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.


There are 5 SEAMEO BIOTROP priority program, such as 1) Save Biodiveristy for Future Generations, 2) Biodiversity Rangking and Database From Mountain to Ocean, 3) Agroecoedutourism, 4) School of Ecology, Biodiveristy and Aquatic, dan 5) Climate, Energy, and Environment Literacy on Biodiversity. The SEAMEO BIOTROP priority programs is expected to improve the quality of education related to Save Biodiversity and become an important effort to overcome threats to tropical biodiversity. Therefore, priority programs that will be run by SEAMEO BIOTROP need to be launched and known to various external parties, so that they are expected to be implemented through collaboration and partnership.


This event was conducted in hybrid platform and was participated by 102 participants from various countries in Southeast Asia.

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