Monday, 08 August 2016 on 5:50am

BIOTROP formalizes collaboration with SEAMEO CELLL

BIOTROP signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SEAMEO Regional Centre for Lifelong Learning (CELLL) on 27 July 2016 during the special session of SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting (CDM) held in Bangkok, Thailand.

Like BIOTROP, SEAMEO CELLL is one of the 21 centres of excellence of SEAMEO which is mandated to study and promote lifelong learning in Southeast Asia.

The collaboration would involve joint conduct of training and other learning events, staff and information exchange, facilities sharing, and expertise consultations related to life skills development in Indonesia and Vietnam. It will be effective until 2019.

The MoU was signed by BIOTROP Director Dr Irdika Mansur and SEAMEO CELLL Director Mr. Le Huy Lam. The signing ceremony was witnessed by SEAMEO Secretariat Director Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto as well as the CDM participants.

The two centres expect to have their first collaborative activity next year on urban agriculture training for teachers of urban community learning centers in Vietnam.

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