SEAMEO BIOTROP Welcomes GS Farm for Collaboration in Freshwater Lobster Cultivation Friday, 05 March 2021 on 5:22pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP Welcomes GS Farm for Collaboration in Freshwater Lobster Cultivation

In sustaining freshwater lobster population, SEAMEO BIOTROP works together with GS Farm for collaboration in freshwater cultivation. In this regards, the Director of GS, Ir Suswoyo, MSi, visited SEAMEO BIOTROP on 2 March 2021.

In his opening remarks, Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, explained that SEAMEO BIOTROP has mandates to conduct research, trainings and information dissemination in various areas of tropical biologly. Furthermore, he also stated that SEAMEO BIOTROP has many highly qualified scientists and research assistants in various expertises who are dedicated to their works.

In elaborating the Centre’s facilities, Dr Zulhamsyah shared that SEAMEO BIOTROP has several research laboratories and services laboratories. The Aquatic Laboratory is currently cultivating freshwater lobster ( Cherax quadricarinatus), however, the Aquatic Laboratory is currently planning to cultivate seawater lobster.

In responding to the explanation of Dr Zulhamsyah, the Director of GS Farm explained that GS Farm is a company engaged in focused in rearing red tilapia and freshwater fish. “It is in my vision that GS Farm should elevate its capability to cultivate freshwater lobster. Hence, GS Farm is excited in collaborating with SEAMEO BIOTROP to cultivate freshwater lobster”, said Ir Suswoyo, MSi, the Director of GS Farm.

Further discussions was scheduled to determine points of interests in the Memorandum of Agreement between SEAMEO BIOTROP and GS Farm. During this event, GS Farm visited the Natural Products, Entomology, Aquatic, and tissue culture laboratories, as well as hydroponics, aquaponics, and mushroom cultivation units.


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