Tuesday, 31 July 2018 on 2:45am

BIOTROP, SMK Kehutanan Bakti Rimba Bogor Formalize Collaboration

BIOTROP and SMK Kehutanan Bakti Rimba Bogor agreed to formalize their partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding on 04 July 2018 at BIOTROP Campus. BIOTROP Director Dr Irdika Mansur and the Principle of the school Ir. Augustijana Kartasasmita, M.Sc, signed the MoU which will be effective for two years.

This cooperation is intended to improve the quality of forestry education in SMK Kehutanan Bakti Rimba Bogor through forestry competency test activities, fieldwork practices and internships. In addition, BIOTROP will also transfer its knowledge, experience and technology to the school for developing and managing forest resources in its surrounding environment.

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