SEAMEO BIOTROP Holds Training of Trainer for the FORCLIME FC Program Facilitators In Kapuas Hulu District of West Kalimantan Province Wednesday, 08 September 2021 on 11:25am

SEAMEO BIOTROP Holds Training of Trainer for the FORCLIME FC Program Facilitators In Kapuas Hulu District of West Kalimantan Province

FORCLIME FC (Forest and Climate Change Programme Financial Cooperation) is a collaborative development program between the Government of Indonesia and the Government of Germany to implement forest conservation strategies and sustainable forest management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the forestry sector and to elevate the livelihoods of rural communities.  The FORCLIME FC is conducted in three districts, i.e., Kapuas Hulu District in West Kalimantan Province, Malinau District in North Kalimantan Province, and Berau District in East Kalimantan Province (source: https://

As part of the program, SEAMEO BIOTROP held an offline training of trainer (ToT) for the program facilitators in Kapuas Hulu District of West Kalimantan Province on 6-8 September 2021, in the Centre’s campus in Bogor.  The ToT was held following the health protocols regulations within the Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM).  The ToT was aimed to elevate the capacity and technical capabilities of the 9 facilitators of FORCLIME FC by focusing on knowledge transfers in sustainably managing forests for strengthening the economic welfare of the rural community.  SEAMEO BIOTROP transferred the knowledge on extracting essential oils and their derivative products and on utilizing non-wood forest products having economic value.

The Event Coordinator, Dr Supriyanto explained that the ToT consisted of both classroom and practice sessions.  The training materials included: 1. introduction to essential oils and various issues in extracting essential oils; 2. formulating bio-enzymes and bio-pesticides; 3. formulating insect repellent products; 4. plant propagation using grafting method; 5. making of silage; and 6. introduction to non-wood forest products having economic value.

The District Team Leader of FORCLIME FC in Kapuas Hulu, Mr IGNN Sutedja stated that one of the activities carried out is planting trees that have economic value for the community, such as kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), which leaves are harvested by the community for medicinal purpose and citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus), the source of citronella oil, which is among essential oils having high economic value.

In his opening remarks, Dr Zulhamsyah Imran stated that climate change is among the mega disruptions we are currently facing. “In relation to FORCLIME FC, we are talking about our contributions in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions.  The FORCLIME FC programs have an important role in reducing such emissions from the forestry sector,” said Dr Zulhamsyah.  “It is expected that the facilitators of the FORCLIME FC can be the mediators and collectors of forests products to enter wider markets, which profits can be channeled to the surrounding communities to elevate their economic welfare”, he further stated.  Dr Zulhamsyah underlined the importance of mastering the Internet of Things in this era of Industry 4.0, especially in coping with the mega disruptions. (sis)

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