Friday, 04 November 2011 on 2:47pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP conducts symposium cum workshop on IAS management in Southeast Asia

SEAMEO BIOTROP,  in cooperation with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)-Indonesia Office and the  Indonesian Agriculture Quarantine Agency, held  a  Symposium cum Workshop on the Management of Invasive Alien Species  (IAS) in Southeast Asia with special focus on Indonesia on 24-25 October 2011 at its headquarter in Bogor.

The symposium cum workshop was organized  to provide a venue for researchers, lecturers, quarantine officers, development workers and policy makers to share their knowledge and experiences towards  establishing strategies emanating from Indonesia to help effectively  manage IAS in the region. 

During the opening program, SEAMEO BIOTROP Deputy Director for Resource Management and Communication Dr Irdika Mansur welcomed the participants and emphasized the importance of collaboration among  experts from various sectors to share knowledge and experiences towards  identifying actions to address the threats of IAS.  On the other hand, Dr. Ageng Herianto, National Program Officer of FAO, officially opened the event on behalf of  Mr. Mustafa Imir, FAO’s representative in Indonesia.  He shared to the participants the significant developments on FAO’s project with the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia to develop effective  IAS prevention strategies since 2009 in terms of  policy and legislative reforms , and  institutional capacity development for quarantine including building of an information management system.. The project’s achievements included the (1) development of a web-based database  on invasive species in Indonesia; (2) capacity building  of  a large number of master trainers and plant quarantine inspectors on procedures of IAS detection and risk analysis methodology prior to imports of plant, animal, and fish species;  (3) development of  training materials for all similar future capacity building programs;  and (4) development of a web portal  for easy storage and access of all available national information on IAS by various stakeholders. FAO acknowledged SEAMEO BIOTROP’s contributions to the success of the project.

The 19 papers presented during the symposium and  their corresponding speakers were as follows:

1. Overview and Launching of the Quarantine IAS database by Dr. Rava Ketharpal & Ms. Islana Irvandiari
2. Data base Development of Indonesian Invasive Alien Plant Species at SEAMEO BIOTROP by  Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo et al
3. The Status of IAPS Management in Indonesia by Dr. Soekisman Tjitrosoedirdjo
4. Development of IAS Regulation in Indonesia towards Effective Management by Mr. Antung Deddy  Radiansyah
5. The Role of FAO in Management of IAS in Indonesia and the Need for Cooperation in Managing IAS in Southeast Asia by Dr. Ravi Ketharpal
6. The Important of IAS on Trade in Indonesia by Dr. Arifin Tasrif
7. Risk Assesment of Indonesian Invasive Plant Species by Dr. Soetikno Sastroutomo and Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo
8. Invasive grasses in Indonesia: Some Updates by: Alex Sumadijaya
9. Strategic Action Plan on Invasive Alien Species Management in Gede Pangrango Mountain National Park by Ms. Indra Exploitasia
10.Controlling Loranthus sp. pest of Rhododendron reschianum at Kelimutu Nature  Reserve, Flores, Indonesia by Dr. Eko Widayanto
11.Timor Leste Weed Invasion of Chromolaena odorata by Mr. Mateus M. de Jesus & Mr. Jorge de Jesus
12.Invasive Species at Cibodas Botanic Garden: Identification and Management by: Ms. Anggun R. Gumilang
13.Study on the Ecological Aspect of Locusta migratoria (orthoptera: Acrididae) and the Application of Bio-Insecticide in the Regency of Timor Tengah Utara and Belu, East Nusa Tenggara by  Mr. Nikolas Nik
16.Notes on the Distribution of Invasive Freshwater Snail Pomacea canaliculata and P. insularum in Indonesia by Dr. Risti Marwoto, N. Rohmatin & Isnaningsih
17.Marine Invasive Species in Indonesia by Dr. Mujizat Kawaru & Adriani Sunuddin
18.Invasive Fresh-water Fish in Indonesia by N. B. Utomo , Y. Hadiroseyani & J. Ekasari
19.The Importance of Geographic Aspects in Marine Biodiversity Informatics and Developing Catalogue of Invasive Non-indigenous marine Species by Dr. Vincentius P. Siregar & Adriani Sunuddin

During the workshop, the participants identified key actions needed and the responsible actors  on three aspects of managing IAS in Indonesia and the SEA region.  These aspects are on (1) building awareness and support. (2) strengthening national policy, legal, and institutional frameworks, (3) regional cooperation. 

The symposium cum  workshop was coordinated by Dr. Sri S. Tjitrosoedirdjo

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