Monday, 30 September 2013 on 8:01am

SEAMEO BIOTROP completes National Training Course on Integrated Storage Pest Management

SEAMEO BIOTROP trained 25 participants on Integrated Storage Pest Management on 9 to 12 September 2013 at its headquarter in Bogor. The participants were researchers, managers of food and feed warehouses, library custodians, and pesticide distributors from various provinces in Indonesia. 

This training was aimed to provide knowledge on several alternative approaches on  integrated storage pest control  through prevention and monitoring and the use of various appropriate fumigants.

During the opening program, SEAMEO BIOTROP  Dr . Bambang Purwantara explained that this training  course is part of the  community development program of the Centre since storage  pest is a serious threat to  stored food and feed commodities. Without proper care, he said, the presence of insect pests  in the storage  can cause enormous losses , both quantitatively and qualitatively . 

The training consisted of lectures and exercises on the following topics:  (1) introduction of storage insect pests ; (2)  integrated storage pest management ;  (3) ecology and storage insect pest monitoring; and;  (4) general pest control and some  fumigation techniques. Participants were also trained to  prepare a program on integrated storage pest management followed by a brief presentation and discussion on the last day of training course .

Resource persons for this training came from SEAMEO BIOTROP, PT Rebio Mega Aranda , PT Biosecurity Solution ,  Balai Uji Terap Teknik dan Metode  Karantina  Pertanian (BUTTMKP) and PT Sterix Indonesia.
Dr . Idham Sakti Harahap , BIOTROP scientist and course coordinator, said that the participants after completing the course would be able undertake research and/or action projects towards developing a program on integrated storage pest control and management for their respective institutions as indicated in the action plans they submitted.

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